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Description of icons

Guidance system tool bar

Field menu

Job menu

Guideline menu

Autosteer options menu

Nudge menu

Menu icons
Field menu

Field menu

Complete field boundary recording

Select field

Boundary recording offset

New field

Cancel field boundary

Unload field

Create boundary from shapefile

Set flag point

Create boundary from coverage

Record field boundary

Job menu

Job menu

Recording job data

Select job

Cancel job data

Create new job

Data transfer

Configure job regions

Guideline menu

Guideline menu

Change guideline mode

Select guideline mode

Open manual AB line entry window

Create new AB line

Set point A

Autosteer options menu

Autosteer options menu

Autosteer status

Autosteer calibration

Autosteer fine tuning parameters

Nudge menu

Nudge menu

Move guideline to position of vehicle

Other nudge options

GPS drift compensation

Nudge guideline to right

Save nudged guideline

Nudge guideline to left

Navigation window icons

System information

System diagnostic tests


Job information

GPS data

Settings screen

Inventory manager

Control panel

Automatic section control